
Um… this statement?? Possibly this entire paragraph deserves some rethinking or at least rephrasing.

If you truly want to contribute productively to these conversations, you must be willing to be told you’re wrong sometimes. How a person reacts to criticism from women, especially in this context, is very telling. Listen to the feedback. Consider maybe there’s room for improvement (as all of us have room to improve).

Your initial comment did not seem ill intended. It seems you were giving practical advice out of genuine concern. but women found it insensitive because we live in a culture that constantly blames us for their own assaults. We’re told to hide and protect ourselves instead of men being educated and told to stop being rapists.

It shouldn’t be our responsibility to look out for rapists everywhere. Yet it’s what we’re conditioned to do.



Alexandria Roswick

Top Writer in Feminism. Blogger for Say It Loud Space (UK). Trauma, relationships, and analysis of media and culture. https://linktr.ee/alexandriaroswick